Blogs From 2015 to Jan 2016
(These blogs have been transferred from our old website)
18th December 2010 I suppose one of the benefits of running the Folk club and making the ever welcome and collection from our ever generous audience and musicians, is that I can nominate what happens to the cash. In a general sense the idea of passing the “jug” round is to make a little money through which we maintain the infrastructure of the evening in terms of advertising and equipment and we can also sometimes afford to pay performers to play extended evenings and special events.
This summer, while wandering about aimlessly, something I am quite good at and much practiced, I happened upon my friend, and colleague, Cay Towner who told me that she had been abroad, working with a charity in Uganda. We talked about her experiences for a while and the terrible poverty which is being experienced by some of the people she was working with and it occurred to me to run a special night to raise a little money for them.
Cay gave an excellent account of the situation and intentions of the Bungokho Rural Development Centre and we raised £100 for the Charity. She has since informed me that this was very well received. Further to this we had an excellent night of music and fun as per usual.
New faces in the form of Paul Gunn and Stella provided some fine traditional songs and Emily and Laina made a welcome return. Jerome and Gavin played some interesting pieces and Councillor Roy and Alex along with Simon, Derry, Mick and myself produced a worthy evening and a successful one both in terms of enjoyment and purpose but I must mention Thea who often comes to the club and who I am always encouraging to bring her guitar as she has a great voice and quite a unique style. I always love to hear her play.
I would like to thank Lizzie and Rowan for their excellent evening on the 7th Dec. Apart from anything else it gives me the opportunity to take a back seat and enjoy the evening from a different perspective. I did take some photos however which may appear on the website. It was another lovely evening with some excellent performances and nice to see Jon Deverill and Becky there along with many of the usual crew. I hadn’t intended to play but I ended up dong one of my own songs which I had not played in public for years. It’s a strange life!
Darren and Lizzie were wonderful as usual but so is everyone and, together we always have a good humoured and good natured night. So we are all looking forward to the party and the road which goes ever onwards.
Since beginning this I have learned of the very sad death of Captain Beefheart, Don Van Vliet. Bob Harris once said that if there was ever a rock genius then it was Beefheart for the innovation and experimentation he brought to modern music in combining the influences of Jazz and Blues and some fairly surrealist lyrics on occasion.
For me it was in 1968 or thereabouts that a friend of mine left me “Safe as Milk” on my doorstep with the simple cryptic message - “you need to hear this”. He was right. I can rarely remember being so impressed by a whole set of amazing songs. Autumns Child, Electricity and Drop Out Boogie. I was stunned. It synthesised and crystallised all of my musical ambitions and influences and I have loved everything he has done since then. If ever a musician described my own musical construct then it was Beefheart.
What he has done for blues and rock is impossible to define or quantify and Trout Mask Replica must be one of the most innovative and important records of all time, as many musicians, from Tom Waits to The White Stripes, will testify.
My life and music would not have been the same without his creative genius and, although he has not made anything new since 1982, I still believe he is one of the most advanced and modernist artists of our time.
Like Duchamp he had an understanding beyond the purely creative.
“further than we’ve gone, the stars sing a song, together, that only lovers can hear”
Onwards and upwards
See you soon
9th November - Those days...............
It was about 1968 and my friends, Tim, Dotty, Bren, Steve and myself were hitching on the back of a pick-up in a cold Spring heading for London from Durham for our first ever visit to the Cousins Club in Greek Street-“Les Cousins” as it was known. We were following our new musical discoveries to one of their regular haunts. Burt Jansch, John Renbourn, Davy Graham and The String Band. Little did we know we were also in for a rare treat in the form of Long John Baldry-one of the best blues singers and players I have ever seen, sometimes accompanied by Mox, a fiery haired harp player. It was pure magic. We saw all of these perform in one long night which, I seem to remember, lasted well into the early hours.
In the queue, while waiting to get in, we were entertained by a one man band who, I was later to learn, was Don Partridge. I remember, even back then, that pump and sway, like an old steam engine, with the strains of some old blues ballad weaving in and out of the mouth organs, bells, cymbals and other effects.
Many lifetimes later I have Don waiting for me at the Six Bells Folk and Blues club asking if it is ok if he does a couple of tunes. Well, well well!
I told him my story and we talked for some time about days gone by and he did his tunes and came back a number of times and played some wonderful, evocative stuff which, for me was particularly poignant and carried in a whole bag of memories.
We crossed paths on a number of occasions in the following years-he ran a club at the Seven Sisters for a while where he invited me to play on the same bill as Bert Jansch. Ah those days!! As Laurie Anderson would say!
So it was sad to hear the news that he had gone from us. I enjoyed his music and his company and I believe he had a real understanding of a whole slice of music and lots of stuff which went with it. I think I can safely say-on my own behalf and the Folk Club-see you later, you will be missed. He was there in the beginning of all of the Folk Blues which came out of the Sixties.
But those days are now these days..........!!
So we have had some great nights recently and the old club moves along with excellent performances and great friendship, chaos and joviality.
We keep it going by turning up and playing, by giving everyone a chance and being part of what is a very special event. Do you know anything else like it?? Is there somewhere better?? O.K. so not everyone can sing and play like my aunt Sally, who doesn’t exist, or those we deem “professionals” but so what!!
I have had some priceless moments from Tina Hendrix to Ron Geesin bashing himself on the head with a metal tray, from the German Bikers to the “bone” that built Stonehenge. Ask me- I will tell you all of these stories.
John, Rachel, Mick, Simon, Marylin, Andy, Andy, Terry, Concillor Roy, Laina, Emily, David, Paul, Paul, Lizzie, Darren, John, Young Sam, Grace, Rupert, Andrea, Derry, Alex, The Dawgs, Jim Tippler, The Curst Sons, Dave, Barbie, Dave, James, Andy, The Flaming Tsars, The Amazing Pilots, Anita, Rowan, Lizzie, John, Jimmy, Alan the Piano, James on drums, Matt the Hat, Hannah and T, Thea, Barry and Mary and all their friends .....keep on truckin’......
So I am signing off again but, just before the ocean of night folds its arms around me, I must remind you to be aware of the mysterious “kazoo of omnipotent excellence” cos’... if you hear it.... you were too good to follow!!......
I know someone who heard it once and, when he woke up, there was a corn circle in his room where the TV had been!! Weird as you know what!!.....It took them days to stop him playing his banjo (which he had been unable to play previously- adding to the mystery!!) and laughing double check those guitar cases!! HA-HA-HA-HA etc.. with effects kindly provided by............
Bye for now
28th September - THE SPECIAL NIGHT!! What a special night!!
It almost impossible to know where to begin.
Grace and the Band were fantastic and played good range of beaty, meaty, serious and well arranged stuff. It was obvious some serious work had gone into it all and it is credit to them and also a big plus for the club that they came and played for us.
I take it as a massive compliment that they gave us this credibility and gave us the opportunity of hearing their musicianship and the quality of Graces compositions and arrangements.
I have to thank Rupert for his on-going support for the club and his massive contribution to the evening, for providing and managing the PA.
I would also like to thank Graham for the sound and Andrea for her on-going involvement and generally positive approach, also for some excellent pictures.
I am not sure of all of the Band’s names so I cannot thank them individually but they played almost faultlessly, which is just an expression so don’t ask me to point out any faults because I wouldn’t be able to. aspirational and inspirational I would say.
Young Sam Green was absolutely fantastic and we will miss him for a while as he goes off to Durham University to pursue his education. He is studying Archaeology. I was born in Durham so it is funny how the wheel turns. He tells me he will be back for the party so thats good!!
I would also like to thank James Morris, and Andy, for making such a good job of the Top Bar. I am not going to go through everyone, you know how good you are and that we all love you so keep it coming and lets keep on truckin’
Making music make music..
I went home with a big smile and it was a big night which will be remembered for a long time yet.....
The fish are telling me this is all getting a bit too long so..
Bye for Now.See you next Time
August/September - Hi Everyone - “Beards and Beyond”
Its been a while I know but I was on holiday and then the beginning of term and such and such but here we are again...
We had a couple of excellent nights in August and September and thanks to Lizzie and Rowan for filling the gap while I was away “doing my thing” as they used to say when I was young. I was actually young once, I can even remember the time and place and I have photos to prove it!
The nights roll on and the club maintains its strength and quality and I enjoy it more and more.
Its about you and your pals and making sure that we all enjoy and take part in the evenings.
I would like to make a special mention for Darren and Lizzie who have played some lovely pieces at both recent nights. Personally, I could listen to them all night which brings me, nicely, to the fact that we have offered them an extended spot sometime after Christmas so watch out for that. We will put it on the list.
I am not going to go through everyone’s performance every time but I will just say that you are all wonderful and you make the evenings high quality events for players and audience and, for some time, I have only had positive feedback from everyone who has taken part.
I know that I have said this before, but it not easy trying to get everyone on when they want to be, and I do try to mix it all up as best as I can. I try to encourage the newcomers and make sure that last is first as we go along, if you catch my drift.
Andy is away for a while so that should be fun doing it on my tod.......any offers gratefully accepted!!
3rd August 2010 - “Hi everyone, Great to see Darren and Lizzie the other night along with Bob Tippler. They all performed some lovely tunes and I am looking forward to seeing The Dawgs again. Maybe we can put them on for a special evening near Christmas-A Christmas Party-what a good idea!!
Another great night. Emily and David played some excellent tunes including an especially good version of Crowded Houses’ “Don’t Dream its Over”. Kieth and Liz returned with some interesting, self penned numbers and strong delivery.
I try to mix it up so that everyone gets an opportunity to play at different times of the night. It is quite difficult putting people on ‘cos everyone wants to play at the peak of the audience but when we have three hours to fill someone has to start and end-c’est la vie.
I often have to reduce my own spot but it’s all part of it.
I like to give new people a chance to perform when there is a decent crowd so I will give them a little preference.
I put Sam on earlier this time and he did an excellent set-videoed by his mum!
Derry played some piano and Matt and Mike provided some quality entertainment in their own inimitable fashion and well loved and supported by the crowd.
It was very nice to see Trevor Clawson again who performed some more quality stuff and gave some interesting insights to the origins of his songs.
Councillor Roy managed to underline the fact that we “are nothing like a folk club” with an anecdotal tale which included “wandling” and “sheep” and a special cupping motion of the hand and ear. All very mysterious and esoteric if you ask me, which you probably won’t.
Anyway someone did actually say to me that we “are nothing like a folk club” which, I think was meant to be a criticism but I have taken as a positive in the sense that I don’t want to be “like” anything-it is what it is- a sum of its parts and a night of entertainment and relaxation for everyone!
A very special aspect of the evening was John and Rachels performance which, as well as being excellently delivered, saw John scything out some volume, to great effect on a dextrously handled Telecaster!! We’ll have more of that thank you!!
Well!! Another great evening and thanks to everyone and once again to Andy on knobs and Simon for Web
“The Mud Elephant wading through the sea leaves no tracks..” The Village Fugs
20th July 2010 - “Hi Everyone, Well the beat goes on and on as they say...
Its the Summer and we have had some warm and very busy nights. Last week, 20th July, saw about seventeen different players.
We’ve been having some brilliant evenings and there is probably too much to talk about to be honest but points worthy of note are that we are managing to hold off young Alex (Councillor Roy’s grandson) in his attempt to take over and decree New Romantic Night. He does however continue to amaze and entertain with his piano sessions.
The long awaited and welcome return of Matt the Hat, now hatless, was excellent – do we detect a slightly more efficient approach here as there was clear and deliberate use of the music stand...hmmmm??
Of special mention over the last couple of sessions were the Edge of Chaos Orchestra, with Jimmy Lee, in a slightly reduced format who played some lovely Irish Folk based stuff. I have their details so watch this space on that one.
This week saw some new people, Karen and Trevor provided particularly well delivered and quality sets with some lovely vocal work from Karen and very good self penned songs from Trevor.
I have to mention Bob and Sjaak, hope I got the spelling, who delivered a fantastic rendition of “Rawhide”. A first for us but no Clint Eastwood.
Sam and Thea were brilliant as per usual but i wish that young lady would play a bit more for us, she has such a great voice and style.
Lastly, I want to make a special mention of Mike Willis who was visiting from Nashville. Some excellent guitar and songs and a pleasure to hear. He says he will be back from time to time so something to look forward to.
I’m sure I have missed loads of people out but the carousel keeps rolling around and we will all be on it as it carves it’s eternal and mystical route to eternity and takes with it in it’s slipstream the ever continuing and increasingly creative and successful Six Bells Folk and Blues Club.
‘Cos there aint no other like it in the city or the town..........
See you on the golden pathway.
8th June 2010 - Singers Night - Hey…. another brilliant evening at the ole folk an’ blues!!
What I like is the fact that it changes every fortnight.
I enjoyed the opportunity to arrange the mikes and furniture with reference the English World Cup defence and the chance to wander around in a random synthesis of quantum physics and the Duckworth Lewis method of shopping. At least that’s how I remember it! You may have been elsewhere!!
What other blues club has this?!!? Or even a hat stand??
Some notable performances from Dave at the end with some Elvis and from Martin on his debut, not only at the club but also at the pub. A brilliant version of John Martin’s “may you never” with his miniature box of seraphim chorus.
I was saying to Rupert after watching Harry play that years ago I had been the young man playing “Cocaine Blues” and there was probably some old codger in the corner listening to me. How the wheel turns.
Notable performances from Simon and Mick and the ever efficient Derry playing some classical works.
The club has so much variety and ability it is always a pleasure to be there and especially exciting to see new people.
Dan played an excellent set and how could any report be complete without the notable individuality of Councillor Roy and his Grandson Alex who combine forces to play some unique and interesting stuff.
I must also mention James who is relatively recent to the club but has already made his mark, not only with an excellent solo set but also by supporting almost everyone on drums. This is what we like, some improvised and random positivity and interest, even though I had to think, for once, about what I could play which had something remotely approximating a steady beat. Ask Simon about Spoonful!!
Sam Green goes from strength to strength and it is always a pleasure to hear that laid back bluesy sound which is brilliant coming from a young man who is developing an individual style from an obvious understanding of this genre.
I can’t go without mentioning Alan on fiddle who played some wonderful reels and brought a lovely alternative to the range of instruments over the night.
See you soon for another attempt at world domination, confusion, and general mayhem (which is exactly the way we like it)………
You are all welcome bring your pals and anyone who wants to play.
25th May 2010 - Bob Dylan Night - What a great Bob Dylan night!!
One of the best nights we have had was ably presented by our guest host Steve Royston who played some excellent stuff himself and kept the evening flowing with a stream of brilliant guests well supported by Andy on knobs.
We will have to be careful not to get too big headed as the “ole-evening” is becoming very successful and this is just one of a series of excellent evenings we have had recently.
Some new guests like Fred played some good music in the spirit of the Bob Dylan theme and John and Rachel and regulars like Simon, Mike and Thea performed their usual high quality stuff.
Not to be missed, Councillor Roy was up to his usual individual standard, supported by Alex and the whole night was a complete and enjoyable success.
Hratch and Tom deserve a special mention and their version of Desolation Row was one of the high spots.
Lizzie and Rowan did an excellent spot and don’t forget the Midsummer Magic at East Hoathly on the 19th June. You can see me about that if you like.
I'm sorry if I havn’t mentioned everyone but thanks to all who made this an enjoyable evening and see you in a fortnight.
18th December 2010 I suppose one of the benefits of running the Folk club and making the ever welcome and collection from our ever generous audience and musicians, is that I can nominate what happens to the cash. In a general sense the idea of passing the “jug” round is to make a little money through which we maintain the infrastructure of the evening in terms of advertising and equipment and we can also sometimes afford to pay performers to play extended evenings and special events.
This summer, while wandering about aimlessly, something I am quite good at and much practiced, I happened upon my friend, and colleague, Cay Towner who told me that she had been abroad, working with a charity in Uganda. We talked about her experiences for a while and the terrible poverty which is being experienced by some of the people she was working with and it occurred to me to run a special night to raise a little money for them.
Cay gave an excellent account of the situation and intentions of the Bungokho Rural Development Centre and we raised £100 for the Charity. She has since informed me that this was very well received. Further to this we had an excellent night of music and fun as per usual.
New faces in the form of Paul Gunn and Stella provided some fine traditional songs and Emily and Laina made a welcome return. Jerome and Gavin played some interesting pieces and Councillor Roy and Alex along with Simon, Derry, Mick and myself produced a worthy evening and a successful one both in terms of enjoyment and purpose but I must mention Thea who often comes to the club and who I am always encouraging to bring her guitar as she has a great voice and quite a unique style. I always love to hear her play.
I would like to thank Lizzie and Rowan for their excellent evening on the 7th Dec. Apart from anything else it gives me the opportunity to take a back seat and enjoy the evening from a different perspective. I did take some photos however which may appear on the website. It was another lovely evening with some excellent performances and nice to see Jon Deverill and Becky there along with many of the usual crew. I hadn’t intended to play but I ended up dong one of my own songs which I had not played in public for years. It’s a strange life!
Darren and Lizzie were wonderful as usual but so is everyone and, together we always have a good humoured and good natured night. So we are all looking forward to the party and the road which goes ever onwards.
Since beginning this I have learned of the very sad death of Captain Beefheart, Don Van Vliet. Bob Harris once said that if there was ever a rock genius then it was Beefheart for the innovation and experimentation he brought to modern music in combining the influences of Jazz and Blues and some fairly surrealist lyrics on occasion.
For me it was in 1968 or thereabouts that a friend of mine left me “Safe as Milk” on my doorstep with the simple cryptic message - “you need to hear this”. He was right. I can rarely remember being so impressed by a whole set of amazing songs. Autumns Child, Electricity and Drop Out Boogie. I was stunned. It synthesised and crystallised all of my musical ambitions and influences and I have loved everything he has done since then. If ever a musician described my own musical construct then it was Beefheart.
What he has done for blues and rock is impossible to define or quantify and Trout Mask Replica must be one of the most innovative and important records of all time, as many musicians, from Tom Waits to The White Stripes, will testify.
My life and music would not have been the same without his creative genius and, although he has not made anything new since 1982, I still believe he is one of the most advanced and modernist artists of our time.
Like Duchamp he had an understanding beyond the purely creative.
“further than we’ve gone, the stars sing a song, together, that only lovers can hear”
Onwards and upwards
See you soon
9th November - Those days...............
It was about 1968 and my friends, Tim, Dotty, Bren, Steve and myself were hitching on the back of a pick-up in a cold Spring heading for London from Durham for our first ever visit to the Cousins Club in Greek Street-“Les Cousins” as it was known. We were following our new musical discoveries to one of their regular haunts. Burt Jansch, John Renbourn, Davy Graham and The String Band. Little did we know we were also in for a rare treat in the form of Long John Baldry-one of the best blues singers and players I have ever seen, sometimes accompanied by Mox, a fiery haired harp player. It was pure magic. We saw all of these perform in one long night which, I seem to remember, lasted well into the early hours.
In the queue, while waiting to get in, we were entertained by a one man band who, I was later to learn, was Don Partridge. I remember, even back then, that pump and sway, like an old steam engine, with the strains of some old blues ballad weaving in and out of the mouth organs, bells, cymbals and other effects.
Many lifetimes later I have Don waiting for me at the Six Bells Folk and Blues club asking if it is ok if he does a couple of tunes. Well, well well!
I told him my story and we talked for some time about days gone by and he did his tunes and came back a number of times and played some wonderful, evocative stuff which, for me was particularly poignant and carried in a whole bag of memories.
We crossed paths on a number of occasions in the following years-he ran a club at the Seven Sisters for a while where he invited me to play on the same bill as Bert Jansch. Ah those days!! As Laurie Anderson would say!
So it was sad to hear the news that he had gone from us. I enjoyed his music and his company and I believe he had a real understanding of a whole slice of music and lots of stuff which went with it. I think I can safely say-on my own behalf and the Folk Club-see you later, you will be missed. He was there in the beginning of all of the Folk Blues which came out of the Sixties.
But those days are now these days..........!!
So we have had some great nights recently and the old club moves along with excellent performances and great friendship, chaos and joviality.
We keep it going by turning up and playing, by giving everyone a chance and being part of what is a very special event. Do you know anything else like it?? Is there somewhere better?? O.K. so not everyone can sing and play like my aunt Sally, who doesn’t exist, or those we deem “professionals” but so what!!
I have had some priceless moments from Tina Hendrix to Ron Geesin bashing himself on the head with a metal tray, from the German Bikers to the “bone” that built Stonehenge. Ask me- I will tell you all of these stories.
John, Rachel, Mick, Simon, Marylin, Andy, Andy, Terry, Concillor Roy, Laina, Emily, David, Paul, Paul, Lizzie, Darren, John, Young Sam, Grace, Rupert, Andrea, Derry, Alex, The Dawgs, Jim Tippler, The Curst Sons, Dave, Barbie, Dave, James, Andy, The Flaming Tsars, The Amazing Pilots, Anita, Rowan, Lizzie, John, Jimmy, Alan the Piano, James on drums, Matt the Hat, Hannah and T, Thea, Barry and Mary and all their friends .....keep on truckin’......
So I am signing off again but, just before the ocean of night folds its arms around me, I must remind you to be aware of the mysterious “kazoo of omnipotent excellence” cos’... if you hear it.... you were too good to follow!!......
I know someone who heard it once and, when he woke up, there was a corn circle in his room where the TV had been!! Weird as you know what!!.....It took them days to stop him playing his banjo (which he had been unable to play previously- adding to the mystery!!) and laughing double check those guitar cases!! HA-HA-HA-HA etc.. with effects kindly provided by............
Bye for now
28th September - THE SPECIAL NIGHT!! What a special night!!
It almost impossible to know where to begin.
Grace and the Band were fantastic and played good range of beaty, meaty, serious and well arranged stuff. It was obvious some serious work had gone into it all and it is credit to them and also a big plus for the club that they came and played for us.
I take it as a massive compliment that they gave us this credibility and gave us the opportunity of hearing their musicianship and the quality of Graces compositions and arrangements.
I have to thank Rupert for his on-going support for the club and his massive contribution to the evening, for providing and managing the PA.
I would also like to thank Graham for the sound and Andrea for her on-going involvement and generally positive approach, also for some excellent pictures.
I am not sure of all of the Band’s names so I cannot thank them individually but they played almost faultlessly, which is just an expression so don’t ask me to point out any faults because I wouldn’t be able to. aspirational and inspirational I would say.
Young Sam Green was absolutely fantastic and we will miss him for a while as he goes off to Durham University to pursue his education. He is studying Archaeology. I was born in Durham so it is funny how the wheel turns. He tells me he will be back for the party so thats good!!
I would also like to thank James Morris, and Andy, for making such a good job of the Top Bar. I am not going to go through everyone, you know how good you are and that we all love you so keep it coming and lets keep on truckin’
Making music make music..
I went home with a big smile and it was a big night which will be remembered for a long time yet.....
The fish are telling me this is all getting a bit too long so..
Bye for Now.See you next Time
August/September - Hi Everyone - “Beards and Beyond”
Its been a while I know but I was on holiday and then the beginning of term and such and such but here we are again...
We had a couple of excellent nights in August and September and thanks to Lizzie and Rowan for filling the gap while I was away “doing my thing” as they used to say when I was young. I was actually young once, I can even remember the time and place and I have photos to prove it!
The nights roll on and the club maintains its strength and quality and I enjoy it more and more.
Its about you and your pals and making sure that we all enjoy and take part in the evenings.
I would like to make a special mention for Darren and Lizzie who have played some lovely pieces at both recent nights. Personally, I could listen to them all night which brings me, nicely, to the fact that we have offered them an extended spot sometime after Christmas so watch out for that. We will put it on the list.
I am not going to go through everyone’s performance every time but I will just say that you are all wonderful and you make the evenings high quality events for players and audience and, for some time, I have only had positive feedback from everyone who has taken part.
I know that I have said this before, but it not easy trying to get everyone on when they want to be, and I do try to mix it all up as best as I can. I try to encourage the newcomers and make sure that last is first as we go along, if you catch my drift.
Andy is away for a while so that should be fun doing it on my tod.......any offers gratefully accepted!!
3rd August 2010 - “Hi everyone, Great to see Darren and Lizzie the other night along with Bob Tippler. They all performed some lovely tunes and I am looking forward to seeing The Dawgs again. Maybe we can put them on for a special evening near Christmas-A Christmas Party-what a good idea!!
Another great night. Emily and David played some excellent tunes including an especially good version of Crowded Houses’ “Don’t Dream its Over”. Kieth and Liz returned with some interesting, self penned numbers and strong delivery.
I try to mix it up so that everyone gets an opportunity to play at different times of the night. It is quite difficult putting people on ‘cos everyone wants to play at the peak of the audience but when we have three hours to fill someone has to start and end-c’est la vie.
I often have to reduce my own spot but it’s all part of it.
I like to give new people a chance to perform when there is a decent crowd so I will give them a little preference.
I put Sam on earlier this time and he did an excellent set-videoed by his mum!
Derry played some piano and Matt and Mike provided some quality entertainment in their own inimitable fashion and well loved and supported by the crowd.
It was very nice to see Trevor Clawson again who performed some more quality stuff and gave some interesting insights to the origins of his songs.
Councillor Roy managed to underline the fact that we “are nothing like a folk club” with an anecdotal tale which included “wandling” and “sheep” and a special cupping motion of the hand and ear. All very mysterious and esoteric if you ask me, which you probably won’t.
Anyway someone did actually say to me that we “are nothing like a folk club” which, I think was meant to be a criticism but I have taken as a positive in the sense that I don’t want to be “like” anything-it is what it is- a sum of its parts and a night of entertainment and relaxation for everyone!
A very special aspect of the evening was John and Rachels performance which, as well as being excellently delivered, saw John scything out some volume, to great effect on a dextrously handled Telecaster!! We’ll have more of that thank you!!
Well!! Another great evening and thanks to everyone and once again to Andy on knobs and Simon for Web
“The Mud Elephant wading through the sea leaves no tracks..” The Village Fugs
20th July 2010 - “Hi Everyone, Well the beat goes on and on as they say...
Its the Summer and we have had some warm and very busy nights. Last week, 20th July, saw about seventeen different players.
We’ve been having some brilliant evenings and there is probably too much to talk about to be honest but points worthy of note are that we are managing to hold off young Alex (Councillor Roy’s grandson) in his attempt to take over and decree New Romantic Night. He does however continue to amaze and entertain with his piano sessions.
The long awaited and welcome return of Matt the Hat, now hatless, was excellent – do we detect a slightly more efficient approach here as there was clear and deliberate use of the music stand...hmmmm??
Of special mention over the last couple of sessions were the Edge of Chaos Orchestra, with Jimmy Lee, in a slightly reduced format who played some lovely Irish Folk based stuff. I have their details so watch this space on that one.
This week saw some new people, Karen and Trevor provided particularly well delivered and quality sets with some lovely vocal work from Karen and very good self penned songs from Trevor.
I have to mention Bob and Sjaak, hope I got the spelling, who delivered a fantastic rendition of “Rawhide”. A first for us but no Clint Eastwood.
Sam and Thea were brilliant as per usual but i wish that young lady would play a bit more for us, she has such a great voice and style.
Lastly, I want to make a special mention of Mike Willis who was visiting from Nashville. Some excellent guitar and songs and a pleasure to hear. He says he will be back from time to time so something to look forward to.
I’m sure I have missed loads of people out but the carousel keeps rolling around and we will all be on it as it carves it’s eternal and mystical route to eternity and takes with it in it’s slipstream the ever continuing and increasingly creative and successful Six Bells Folk and Blues Club.
‘Cos there aint no other like it in the city or the town..........
See you on the golden pathway.
8th June 2010 - Singers Night - Hey…. another brilliant evening at the ole folk an’ blues!!
What I like is the fact that it changes every fortnight.
I enjoyed the opportunity to arrange the mikes and furniture with reference the English World Cup defence and the chance to wander around in a random synthesis of quantum physics and the Duckworth Lewis method of shopping. At least that’s how I remember it! You may have been elsewhere!!
What other blues club has this?!!? Or even a hat stand??
Some notable performances from Dave at the end with some Elvis and from Martin on his debut, not only at the club but also at the pub. A brilliant version of John Martin’s “may you never” with his miniature box of seraphim chorus.
I was saying to Rupert after watching Harry play that years ago I had been the young man playing “Cocaine Blues” and there was probably some old codger in the corner listening to me. How the wheel turns.
Notable performances from Simon and Mick and the ever efficient Derry playing some classical works.
The club has so much variety and ability it is always a pleasure to be there and especially exciting to see new people.
Dan played an excellent set and how could any report be complete without the notable individuality of Councillor Roy and his Grandson Alex who combine forces to play some unique and interesting stuff.
I must also mention James who is relatively recent to the club but has already made his mark, not only with an excellent solo set but also by supporting almost everyone on drums. This is what we like, some improvised and random positivity and interest, even though I had to think, for once, about what I could play which had something remotely approximating a steady beat. Ask Simon about Spoonful!!
Sam Green goes from strength to strength and it is always a pleasure to hear that laid back bluesy sound which is brilliant coming from a young man who is developing an individual style from an obvious understanding of this genre.
I can’t go without mentioning Alan on fiddle who played some wonderful reels and brought a lovely alternative to the range of instruments over the night.
See you soon for another attempt at world domination, confusion, and general mayhem (which is exactly the way we like it)………
You are all welcome bring your pals and anyone who wants to play.
25th May 2010 - Bob Dylan Night - What a great Bob Dylan night!!
One of the best nights we have had was ably presented by our guest host Steve Royston who played some excellent stuff himself and kept the evening flowing with a stream of brilliant guests well supported by Andy on knobs.
We will have to be careful not to get too big headed as the “ole-evening” is becoming very successful and this is just one of a series of excellent evenings we have had recently.
Some new guests like Fred played some good music in the spirit of the Bob Dylan theme and John and Rachel and regulars like Simon, Mike and Thea performed their usual high quality stuff.
Not to be missed, Councillor Roy was up to his usual individual standard, supported by Alex and the whole night was a complete and enjoyable success.
Hratch and Tom deserve a special mention and their version of Desolation Row was one of the high spots.
Lizzie and Rowan did an excellent spot and don’t forget the Midsummer Magic at East Hoathly on the 19th June. You can see me about that if you like.
I'm sorry if I havn’t mentioned everyone but thanks to all who made this an enjoyable evening and see you in a fortnight.